Monday, March 15, 2010



I'm going to blog something every day. This isn't an easy task for me. I'm a private person. I can talk incessantly about subjects that I'm interested in: UFOs, aliens, conspiracies, and other fringe sciences. When it comes to talking about myself, I choose my words carefully. So, blogging every day about my life, thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires, and memories ranks right up there with undergoing a root canal.

I'm sitting in front of my computer, staring at the monitor and thinking about this statement from The Peaceful Warrior: "There are no ordinary moments." It's making me wonder what is around me in the unseen world. What if I could raise my vibration enough to become phantom-like to this existence and solid to a higher one? What would I see? How long would I live? What if I am in the middle of an ocean or an eight-lane highway in the higher-vibratory existence? Thinking in this manner makes every moment extraordinary and fills me with a sense of relief that I'm anchored in my vibratory existence. It's also very distracting while I'm sitting here, trying to think of something to write for today.

I'm sure there is some Irish in me. I have always dreamed of visiting Ireland, tracking down that elusive pot of gold, and making it stay elusive when I go through customs in Canada. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!

My van - a.k.a. Starship - is overheating today. I figure it must be those pesky Lithium Crystals again. Scotty isn't aboard, so I take a cab to work. I plan on buying an orange, Odyssey mini van when the movie goes to production. It seems like a fitting thing to do. Do they sell Odyssey mini vans in orange?

Starship is still running a temperature; but, at least, I can drive it. My van has a car mechanic's appointment next Tuesday. John at the garage says that I just have to keep looking at the gauge indicator and quickly pull over if it goes into the red. It makes driving difficult, because I'm always glancing down to see where the arrow is pointing. It's as distracting as talking on a cell phone.

I did a lot of thinking about "living in the NOW" today. I'm intrigued by the concept. I would like to experience being fully in the present. (An excellent movie to watch that deals with living in the NOW is The Peaceful Warrior.) One method that I want to try, in my effort to get into the NOW, is to focus on my breathing and stop the constant chatter of my thoughts. I plan to experiment with it tomorrow. Darn!

I'm home and relaxing after a busy day, and it's a good time to try to experience the NOW. Here goes... Whoa! That was interesting! I'll do it again tomorrow then write about it.

I never had a chance to do the NOW experiment. I was 'out and about' all day with company in the evening. I will try again tomorrow.

I didn't get to do the NOW experiment, but I did have an "ah-ha!" moment concerning something else. I will experiment more with that project instead - for now.

I have a few moments today, so I close my eyes, focus on my breath, and work at quieting my thoughts. It's difficult. Just as I believe I have accomplished the feat, I think about my clear mind. "Arrrggghhhh!" Something strange happens when I do stop my thoughts, even for only a few seconds: I connect to another me. It feels like I shift inside to a different body. My mind changes as well. Hmmm. Well, shift happens.

I get behind on my daily blog sometimes. Every day, I wait for something to remember, catch my attention, intrigue, puzzle, entertain, amuse,or even distress me. I jot it down on a scrap of paper, stick it in my pocket, and it becomes my blog subject. Today, it is this.

There's too much sunlight in my apartment. I'm a night person. I like staying in the shade on hot summer days and walking on warm, sultry nights. My windows are covered all the time. I live in a basement apartment, and I'm always paranoid that people are looking in. "Make it a little darker, Igor!"

Starship is back to normal. The auto mechanic put in another thermostat. It's not overheating anymore. I want to travel a lot this summer, so my warp drive has to be working properly to prevent me from spiraling into a wormhole on the highway. (As I write this, I remember Nicholas. Read on. 'Tricky Nicky' is another blog subject.)

I have two favorite shows that I watch via You Tube on my computer: Conspiracy Theories with Jessie Ventura and The UFO Hunters. I like the way both shows are produced.

Michael Fletcher and Dawn Smith of Neworld Coaching are the driving forces behind my success at getting ODYSSEY this far. They have been wonderful! I have a quirky side to my nature, but they show me how to use it to my advantage. My coaching session today is educational and illuminating. I know ODYSSEY will go to production with their help.

I am part of a three-way phone conversation with a U.S.A. based film production company today. They tell me repeatedly that Steven Spielberg will not respond to my e-mails and messages to him. My dream to have Mr. Spielberg direct ODYSSEY falters. After all, who am I to expect him to agree? Can the 'Law of Attraction' really manifest what I want?

I feel deflated when I hang up. I decide to go grocery shopping. I want lettuce, but when I look at what the store has in its produce aisle, I'm disappointed. Priced at $1.49, all of them are quite small. I'm unwilling to pay that amount for an undersized head of lettuce. I want a bigger one.

At this exact moment, a woman leans in front of me and returns a large head of lettuce to the display then proceeds to pick out two smaller ones. Remaining quiet and staying where I am, I wait while she completes her exchange. (She never pays any attention to me.) I stand there, watching her in disbelief. I had wanted a larger head of lettuce and instantly the 'Law of Attraction' provides me with one. She walks away with her two smaller heads of lettuce, and I pick up the larger one, a beaming smile on my face. I get the message. Thank you! I'm not giving up on Steven Spielberg - not by a long shot!

It's not easy traveling with an alien! There's a long story behind this which I will write up sometime, but today's blog memory is about driving Nicholas (Argus' brother) to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada on March 3, 1983.

The trip was intriguing and unnerving (I called him 'Tricky Nicky' for a reason). During the two-hour drive, I found out that aliens apparently don't know what a gas station is all about. I asked Nicholas to pump some gas, but he didn't know where the nozzle went or how to do it, so I had to show him. (I suspect he was kidding around with me by putting on the 'dumb alien' act.)

**Nicholas ordered donuts from McDonalds. He didn't know what a fish filet sandwich was, which is what he got - like it or not! More 'dumb alien' acts?

The most stressful moments of the trip were the times Nicholas opened the door as we were moving, leaned out, and looked behind us. His body was almost all the way out of the van each time. My heart leaped into my throat as I yelled at him to "Shut the door! Use the window!" but that didn't stop him. A steady stream of "Are we there yet?" from him led me to believe that he was either irritated because we were slower than teleportation or that we were exposed to some danger. Unlike the gas incident, this didn't seem like a joke. He looked and acted concerned during each sudden reconnaissance.

Once we arrived in Niagara Falls, Nicholas slouched down in his seat so low that I thought he was going to curl up on the floor. He definitely didn't want to be seen. I took him to meet Tom Gray. It was a day we both wouldn't soon forget, but that is part of the longer post .

**The McDonald incident actually happened after we got to Niagara Falls and met Tom, but I wanted to include it in this blog. And one last observation: cats do not like aliens - at least, Tom's cat didn't. I watched it instantly launch itself into repetitive, rapidly accelerated rebounds off the walls when Nicholas entered Tom's apartment.

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