Sunday, August 1, 2010


I'm hurtling through space on a pale, blue dot of cooled, cosmic dust, and it's a beautiful Sunday morning. I reel my consciousness in, and I'm normal again. I pick up where I left off and get a lot done on fixing my "I-finally-found-it!" filing system. I require efficiency to be efficient; organization to be organized, so this is good.

I don't like a deadline. The reason why is because, as it nears, I start thinking, "I'm running out of time." This is the worst possible thought anyone could think! If we all create our own reality, what would we be manifesting by focusing on this thought? Isn't death "running out of time"? Maybe that's why they call it a deadline.

When I say, "I have lots of time!" I should be able to live much longer. It has been proven that the aging process speeds up when you think that you are running out of time. So, it's a logical assumption that if I think exactly the opposite, it should have the opposite effect.

I've decided that I'm never getting off the Merry-Go-Round. More to come... Well, maybe not. Actually, I didn't get back to this for quite awhile, so I can't remember what I was thinking about when I wrote it. Memory might be a good subject for this blog entry, but I don't have time right now to write it. More to come... Oh no! Here I go again!

Summer is watermelon season, and I love watermelon! I eat it with a knife and fork, because I got tired of having watermelon high-tide marks on my cheeks and seeds in my ears. (That's the reason they have watermelon balls at fancy functions. Can you imagine guests in gowns and tuxedos chomping on a slice of watermelon? It's not a pretty sight!)

To my blog readers: are you enjoying my daily entries? Is there anything that you would like me to write about? Do you have questions that you would like me to answer? I would be overjoyed to hear from you!

Does anyone want to buy August 7? I really don't want to blog on it, so I'm selling it. It's in great shape! It's only been used once this year... and once last year... and once the year before... Okay, so it does have some mileage on it, but it's still a great deal! Only 365! (There's a decimal point in there somewhere.)

Let me sweeten this deal even more. If you contact me within the next 10 minutes, I'll throw in August 8 as well. Two days for the cost of one. A handy weekend widget that you can stick anywhere in a month when you need a couple of days off.

I get a phone call with 'dead air' on the other end. I'm repeating, "Hello" in various musical tones and interesting combinations but there's no responding sound except for a hang-up. I'm left wondering who called me. 'Dead air' doesn't dial and complete a phone call. Someone - with a finger - has to be there.

I devote my time to getting my blog caught up. It's easy to let it lag behind. It's a good thing that I don't have to remember what I did each day. My blogs are not reflective to what is occurring in my life on a daily basis, unless the event is interesting, entertaining, or pertinent enough to be included. My blogs can be about anything, so now I have to think up eight 'anythings' to fill in the past few days. At least, today is complete. The days before this one will be filled in soon.

I recently watched a news report on an Australian man who has compiled his own 'bucket list' of 100 things he wants to do before he dies. He's now in the process of working his way through them.

Maybe I could have a 'bucket list' of things I want to do before I'm abducted by aliens. I give it some thought today and decide that the first thing I would love to do is surf. I watch some 'how-to surf' videos on You Tube. Now, I need a round-trip ticket
(hopefully) to Hawaii, the Pacific Ocean on a calm day with tame waves (Jaws without teeth), a surfboard with velcro on it, two opposing strips on the souls of my feet, and a swig of nerve tonic. (I'm just kidding. I'll get up and stand on the surfboard like everyone else...and hope for the best!)

I watch a video about a man named Nick Vujicic. He was born without arms and legs. He speaks to audiences around the world, and his message is truly inspirational: make the best of what you have been given without complaint. Live life to the fullest. I'm in wonderment of him: his lifestyle is more active than mine!

I'm not an 'easy mark' for a scam artist. I do some 'sizing up' before I open my purse and hand over money to people panhandling on the street...until the day I saw a man without arms and legs, propped up on a blanket, outside of The Bay. I couldn't get my purse open quick enough. I dug for every dollar and cent that I had! As I did this, I babbled on, asking questions and apologizing that I didn't have much money with me. And, all through it, the man kept up a happy chatter and thanked me for my generosity. I learned a lesson about happiness under adversity that day. He was my 'Nick.'

Every month that starts on a Sunday will have a Friday 13th. It's happened again! I always wonder what the big deal is over this day. Am I supposed to creep out of my house with trepidation? Is tragedy lurking around every corner? If any day could be the victim of hype, Friday 13th is definitely it! I would like to win millions in the lottery on a Friday 13th...just to shake it all up and give Friday 13th one point versus superstition.

I'm driving up north to spend the weekend with my older son and daughter-in-law. My van (Starship) complains about the distance with various squeals and clunks, but I keep my foot on the gas pedal...and pray! It's almost two hundred kilometers, and my old van needs to be 'babied' through every one of them.

Fate is kind, though. I arrive alive, and my van is still in good condition when I park it in front of their house and tell it not to 'seize up' overnight from the exertion. My 'seizing up' has finally ended, so I can enjoy a pleasant visit with my family.

I arrive home and breathe a sigh of relief that my van made it. Why do I drive a vehicle that makes embarking on a journey an adventure in itself? Because I've put so much money into fixing my van over the years that, if I sold it, I would be wasting all that expensive effort and giving someone a better van than what I had when I bought it from the (ab)used-car dealer.

I'm determined to drive it until something happens that is beyond repairing at a reasonable cost. The adrenaline rush is wondering if this breakdown will happen while driving somewhere of any considerable distance. Every trip is a trek into unknown territory. A big "what if." I never know what to expect next. At least, it keeps me alert on the road. And, the 'up-side' of it is: I always reach home in a great mood!

I watch a You Tube video of a Deepak Chopra lecture today and find out that everything around me doesn't exist, except in consciousness. My father used to say to me exactly what Deepak is expounding upon: "How do you know that the world really exists behind you? Maybe it exists only when you look at it."

I would swing around, at odd moments, trying to catch the world while in its unraveled state. I decided my father was just kidding, so it's quite a shock to now realize that he was right after all. The world doesn't exist except as pure potential in consciousness. I don't even exist! How am I keyboarding in this blog entry? Of course, the answer is: I'm not.

This summer has been fantastic so far. It's another sunny, fluffy-clouds-in-blue-sky day. Perfect conditions and temperature for an outing.

I end up in Harrington to visit a couple of friends. The house is rundown. The garden and backyard are overgrown. I look inside and see that the house is empty. I walk to the small, local library and find out that my friends left a month ago. The desolation and neglect of such a historic building (built in the 1800's) saddens me.

Being there takes me back in time in my mind. I lived two years in this house. I loved the quietude of the country, but the winter driving to get to work was horrendous, so I moved back into Stratford in December, 2009.

Instead of visiting my friends, I revisit my memories. I walk around the house and remember. I see it, in my imagination, as it used to be. The ghosts of its previous owners bustle about, doing tasks. They sit in the healing retreat's sweat lodge, build porches, and sink wells.

I recall the couple living downstairs from me, once the house turned into rented apartments. I can see him mowing the lawn and her hanging clothes on the line. I can hear their "Good morn
ing!" and their dog (that barked 15 times every minute when they were away) fending off any forest interlopers with a slew of menacing growls and sneezes. (And that small dog could sneeze! It sneezed so hard that it sometimes knocked itself right off its it had dropped dead from a doggie heart attack.)

Everyone who has lived here is still here...not just in spirit, but in time. Time isn't linear. Everything is happening at once. I was here, gone, here again, and in a few minutes I will be gone once more...but do I really leave?

No one is ever alone. If we could see a wider range of vibrational frequency on the visual scale, we would see loved family members who have passed over, helpful angelic beings, beloved deceased pets, and a lot of unknown entities around us. Not all of them would be concerned with us, but the ones we had the strongest ties with during our life certainly would be. So, don't say goodbye. They're not gone.

I'm behind again. I'll catch up over the next couple of days.

Well, maybe not that fast.

I have to think of some witty things to write about.

And, some days, I'm pretty witless.

Of course, I could always fake it.

Or pretend these days didn't happen.

Actually, I don't remember much about them anyway.

Maybe I was abducted by aliens!

Then again, I could always be smart.

And make these the blog entries. Done! :o)

Starship is growling at me. Its light years are numbered. I can take only so much before I 'punch it' into a warp drive graveyard. I'm ignoring the rumbles of the decaying Lithium Crystals (a.k.a. exhaust pipe) until I have a day off, and I can take it to Space Dock (a.k.a. local garage with lots of happy car mechanics who are all smiling because I'm putting their children through college).

Time for some magic. I wave my wand in the air and - poof! - everything is organized and orderly. Now, back to reality. Wait a minute! I just wrote in a previous blog that reality doesn't exist. So, I guess it's time for Happy Hours instead. No, I don't drink. I just like being happy for hours.

Summer has rushed by this year. That's okay. My favorite season is fall. I love the seasons. I enjoy the changes in weather. It makes it less monotonous. Flowers are more precious when they don't last all year long. Summer has been sunny, warm, and a pure delight. Time to tuck it away for another year and move on to the crisp and cool days of Fall.

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