Friday, July 16, 2010


(I had to delete and repost July. That's why it's dated July 16.)

In our original plan, we were supposed to meet and have dinner in Stratford tonight. Our relationship fell apart in May instead - by chance or design - and I lost him...twice! I love and miss him, but I’m not going to write about him in my blog anymore. I’m sure my readers have had enough, so onto other things: HAPPY CANADA DAY! I'm not Canadian, but I couldn't resist this:


1. Smarties (not in the USA).
2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp (not in the USA).
3. The size of our football fields, one less down and bigger balls.
4. Baseball is Canadian - 1st game played June 4, 1838 in Ingersoll, Ontario.
5. Lacrosse is Canadian.
6. Hockey is Canadian.
7. Basketball is Canadian.
8. Apple pie is Canadian.
9. Mr. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers.
10. Tim Hortons beats Dunkin' Donuts.
11. In the war of 1812, started by America, Canadians pushed the Americans back past their White House then we burned it and most of Washington. We got bored because they ran away. Then, we came home and partied...Go figure.
12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany.
13. We have the largest English population that never, ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. EVER! (We got clobbered in the odd battle but prevailed in ALL the wars!)
14. Our civil war was fought in a bar and lasted a little over an hour.
15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary. He slept in and missed the whole thing. He showed up just in time to get caught.
16. A Canadian invented Standard Time.
17. The Hudson's Bay Company once owned 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the world's oldest company.
18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in under 3 minutes. (That's more information than I need to know!)
19. We know what to do with the parts of a buffalo.
20. We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin, and the telephone. Also short wave radios, which save countless lives each year.
21. We have ALL frozen our tongues to metal and lived to tell about it.
22. A Canadian invented Superman.
23. We have colored money.
24. Our beer advertisements kick ass ( does our beer BUT MOST IMPORTANT...
25. The handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands in with mitts on.
(Author Unknown)

It's been an emotional roller coaster. I do self-treatment bodywork techniques to release some of the trauma. The best way to help myself, though, is to work on someone else. The therapist receives as much benefit as the client does during a session.

It was hot today so I stayed inside, where it was cooler. But, the night always entices and intrigues me, so I venture out. (I love star-gazing and watching for UFOs.) I can hear fireworks going off somewhere nearby, but they must be on the ground because there's nothing visible. I missed seeing the fireworks in Stratford on July 1. I enjoy watching the colorful explosions in the night sky. I love the loud percussion clap of the detonation and the cascading sparks as they rain down and fizzle out.

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! I'm American. I was born in Detroit and grew up in Allen Park, Michigan. I've been in Canada since I was 18 years old, so I've lived most of my life outside my native land. My heart aches to go back sometimes, especially today. I would live in one of the Southern States, because I've had enough of northern winters. It wouldn't be around the Gulf of Mexico, though.

A person who is standing on a street corner in a city can’t see events that are happening two blocks away but transplant that person to the top of a skyscraper and events many blocks away become visible. There's no psychic ability involved - it's just perspective.

Right now, I'm standing on the street corner. My Overself (Higher Self) is viewing all activity from on top of the skyscraper. I can't see what's coming down the street, but my Overself can, and it positions me. (I'm feeling very guided today.)

The John Travolta movie, Michael, pops into my mind. Throughout the movie, Arch-Angel Michael is openly directing and finally physically leading the main characters.

I sense that my Overself is helping me become aware of something. A thought surfaces that stuns me! It explains a lot about what's been happening in my life lately, but I never considered it as a causative factor before.

My energy immediately starts flowing better in my body, so the implanted block that has been suppressing the realization of this possibility has been dissolved. The sudden surge of energy, and the good feeling which naturally accompanies it, is proof enough for me to verify the accuracy of the surfacing thought.

I can't tell you any details about the thought. If I did, I would have to explain a lot more about my past than I'm willing to reveal. The question is: What do I do about it? The answer is: Fight them.

Once you realize that you're an energetic being, you understand that not every fight is on the physical level. This fight is spiritual, because I'm summoning help from the angelic realms. I started last night, and I already feel a difference in the 'status quo' energy today. There's been a shift. (To give you an idea of the power yielded in a spiritual battle, I called in "hundreds of millions of legions of angels." Now, that's an army!)

The battle continues and so does my everyday life. There is no carnage on the battlefield...just dissolving energetic connections and shifting of energies. No casualties; no injuries; no weapons of mass destruction. It's an invisible war, but a war nonetheless. There will be victory and defeat, and defeat isn't an option to me - not when I'm protecting someone.

I'm always surprised when I open my eyes in the morning. When I fall asleep, I'm placing myself into a state of vulnerability. (Increased awareness comes with it but not of this world.) Since I recognize that I'm an energetic being in a world that is a construct of energy, I acknowledge that no location is, or ever can be, secure - or even defined - so I'm delighted to still be here when I wake up.

What are my responsibilities toward this world? How much do I endanger myself to protect others? I have pondered these two questions for awhile now. And, as I do, more damage is being done to our planet. It's time to 'rev up' the power of love and use it as a 'weapon' against the negative forces. The next time I'm in a major city, I will hunt.

Something happens at work today that shows me how quickly the best laid plans can fall apart and a situation can become critical. In the heat of the moment, there's no time to pull back and regroup. Decisions have to be made on the spot. Right or wrong, action must be taken. It is also a 'wake-up' call to me. I lost my assertive spirit along the way somewhere. It's time to get it back.

I excel on the energetic level when dealing with situations, but I need work on the mental level. I over-analyze and remain quiet until I have all the facts and can make a sound decision. Sometimes, though, the situation doesn't provide the time to do that. It's do or die. I need to make on-the-impulse 'executive decisions' when the need arises.

I keep telling myself, "I am here and now." This simple method enables me to stay in the moment, to be present. I focus on my breathing to enhance it. When I do this, everything becomes more vibrant to my senses. I realize it's because I am putting more of my consciousness into the creation of my reality. In other words, I'm paying attention to it.

'Knowing' manifests in my mind and heart. That's the feeling that something is going to happen (or is happening), and there is absolutely no doubt about the accuracy of it. As I feel this inner certainty about the future, a joyous and contented sensation washes over me. I find myself smiling.

My mindset is re-adjusting to the changes that are occurring inside and outside of me. I feel that I'm being positioned by fate. Something is coming. I need to be in the right place at the right time.

My van (a.k.a. Starship) springs a brake fluid leak, so I slowly drive to the garage and leave it there to be repaired. If something is coming or I need to be somewhere today, it's public transit or walking!

A thought occurs to me about the 'here and now.' Why can't I have a 'there and now?' Does the there become here or the here become there if I want it to do so? Do I have to move or does time and space move around me? Does anything move? Am I here only because I believe I am? What if I believe I'm somewhere else? Am I there? Why do I feel I've done this before?

Everyone exists in the NOW, but they don't pay attention to it. People distract themselves too much. Listen and see what is happening around you, and you will feel your senses come alive.

I don't trust Starship, so I haven't traveled much this summer. It's been in Space Dock too often to be dependable. I had planned a lot of trips, so it's disappointing.

Do you wish you could start all over again when things go awry? Would you like to back out of every bad decision and inappropriate action and begin anew? I do, and I would. (It's best not to go any further with this one.)

I've been home for a few days, and I think I'm sinking into a 'blue funk.' I usually don't dwell on the negative, but I have been lately. Michael, my business coach, came over today, and my outlook definitely discolored the session. I need to rally myself...and soon!

I know what's wrong, but I'm not given a chance to fix it. (Enough said...)

I need someone to bring a smile to my face by a random act of kindness. I need someone to talk to me. I need to feel like I exist.

It's hard to face my faults. I know what I did, and I will never do it again. I know what I didn't do, and I will do it from now on. I have learned valuable lessons.

I wouldn't last very long in solitary confinement. I would be yelling, "Talk to me!!! Anyone!" at the cell door. That's what I feel like now, and I'm not even in solitary confinement. Bad sign.

I see both sides of any conflict, and I have a strong, natural, instinctive desire to balance things. I am Libra on the Zodiac wheel (Oct 1). I'm trying to resolve this situation, but I can't because the other side of the scale won't weigh in.

I work this weekend, and it's really busy! People are talking to me, so I don't feel ignored anymore. It's strange how important acknowledgment through communication is and to see the lengths that people go to be noticed. Whether they do good or bad things, the end result they're seeking is the same: pay attention to me!

I'm on vacation and smarter this week. I won't stay inside too much, so I won't go as crazy as I did last week. I decide to go for a late-night drive and end up at Wildwood Lake. I walk to my favorite spot by the shore. It's peaceful here. I enjoy the beauty of the scene, but I also watch for UFOs. Nothing shows up tonight. Of course, nothing showing up doesn't mean that there is nothing there. I wish I could see into the higher vibratory levels.

I was in Muskoka at Oscar Magosci's lot this time last year, being devoured by black flies during the day and mosquitoes during the night. I have no desire to go back this year and serve myself up on a platter to the local insect population again. I'll wait until the fall when the weather is cooler, and the bugs are dead.

Instead, I spend the 35th anniversary of Oscar's odyssey in Stratford. I find his book, MY SPACE ODYSSEY IN UFOS, and settle down to read it...again.

On July 27,1975, Oscar heeded Quentin's advice (given to him months earlier at a Psychic Fair in Toronto) about possible UFO activity in the Muskoka region and returned to his lot in that area. His first night's vigil by the campfire was uneventful.

Since 2002 (the year he died), I read Oscar's book during these days in July. It seems fitting to do remember and honor him. He was a courageous man.

The next day, July 28, a strong conviction about an impending UFO encounter came over Oscar. "I knew they were on their way to transit into this dimension, and sometime that night I'd be visited by a UFO. There wasn't even a pulsating glow in my mind, yet I knew they were coming and that there was only a few more hours left before actual show-up time."

The hydro fails in my apartment as a thunderstorm unleashes torrential rain and hail. I look at the clock to note what time the storm hit: 3:45 p.m. That time keeps showing up. I wonder why.

I walk down the block to a small park, nestled among the apartment buildings and houses. It's 0130, and no one is here - except me. I sit and watch the sky, enjoying the stars and searching for UFOs. The night is cool and fresh, much better than my hot, stuffy apartment.

Just past midnight on July 29, Oscar perceived the approach pattern of a blinking orange light on a descending, zig-zag course toward him. "And there it was! What a dramatic moment! Not more than about sixty feet from me, a real flying saucer was hovering in the air just a few feet above the ground."

Nothing more for this month.

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