Sunday, October 10, 2010


There are days missing. Too much time has passed, and I can't fill them in, so I've just skipped them.

I made it to 60 last October, and that's all the aging I can tolerate. I'll go backwards now. I'm 59 today, and next year I'll be 58. I don't care what my birth certificate or driver's license says. I believe that I can be any age I want to be. Benjamin Buttons, move over! You have competition!

I'm in love with a man who's 54. That means he has 6 more years to age then he can go backwards as well. That's perfect! He will always be older than me.

My older son is 37 today. I figure in another 10 years in both directions for us, we'll be the same age. I'm beginning to like this system.

If anyone asks my age, I tell them my birth year is 1949. Then I play dumb, which isn't too hard for me to do. I have a scientific, analytical, logical mind, so I love to experiment. I'm always wondering, "What would happen if...?" Add that to my belief that nothing is impossible, and everything opens up to me.

My existence wavers a bit once in awhile. I'm not sure what's happening, but it's like a veil is being pierced. I'm transported to another time and place in my mind. I grip the arms of my chair to maintain my spatial reality. It's a bizarre feeling!

I have an agent! My screenplay has gone from unsolicited to solicited. Look out, Hollywood! Here comes Odyssey!

My younger son is 35 years old today. I'll be passing him on the way, too. I'll wave as I fly by. Every year will be a gift to me. I think I'll stop at 29...doesn't everyone? Thirty years will have passed. I'll either be d_ _d (nasty, 4-letter word!), or it will have actually worked, and I'll be 29!!!!! Whoo Hoo!

I go to my brother's place for Thanksgiving dinner. I get a bit lost on the drive over, but I finally find his house. My son gets even more lost, and he has a GPS in his car! So much for technology verses "Hey! I-think-I-just-drove-by-it-and-should-turn-around" reasoning. Marion is an excellent cook. More than the turkey is stuffed. The only biological entity who isn't raving at the table is the turkey.

We're picking up speed. My agent sure knows what he's doing! Thank goodness for that! I'm sending him all he needs to get Odyssey out there. All the top producers and directors are on the contact list.


I made some of my 'brew' yesterday and discover this morning that I left it out of the frig all night. It's a mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey, and water. I've been drinking it for years as a health beverage. Of course, I don't usually leave it sit out all night. I thought of throwing it away, but I decided to drink it anyway. What you believe won't hurt you, won't! I learned that from a man who is still going strong in his eighties and looks like he's in his early sixties. He told me to eat and drink whatever I want (within reason, of course!) and to believe it won't harm my body. Maybe I can get that to work with calories for weight loss as well. I absolutely don't believe this banana split is fattening! Absolutely, totally, completely...nope!

I'm going for the abstract motif in my micro-wave splatter art. It's beginning to look really interesting! Why does a micro-wave blow up food? That's all I want to know.

Old Chinese proverb: "You never know what luck an ill wind blows." An emotionally charged event happens to me today that strikes right to my heart. And, just like the proverb, things right themselves, and the problem resolves.
I'm always amazed at the methods God uses to work His magic. I don't see the wonder of it all until afterward. Thank you, God. :o)

It is better to be loved from the inside out than the outside in. The attraction lasts longer.

There's nothing more for this month.

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